The real estate market represents a significant portion of the overall economy of any given country. Therefore, changes in the real estate sector have a major impact on the stock market. This visualisation shows the various indicators that are used for measuring the health of the real estate sector. Some of these indicators for the US market are as follows -
and many others... If you track any specific indicator for the U.S. or any other country and the same is not available in the visualisation, please do not hesitate to reach out to our friendly team and we will endeavour to add your favourite data series. In addition to the above indicators in the secondary index, users can select any asset ticker of their choice in the primary index for U.S., India or Australian markets.
Considering the dominance of the real estate sector as a percentage of the overall value of an economy, the direction of the housing market is considered one of the leading indicators that can have an impact on the direction of that country's stock market. Tracking the health of the real estate sector of the biggest economy in the world can certainly help an investor to make informed decisions about their investments.
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